Now is the perfect time to start

your Allergy Desensitization treatments.

Start now before those pollens

really start flying!


How Healthy is Your Heart?


Heart disease is the nation's #1 killer and it exceeds the next four causes of death combined? The good news is that heart disease is a "lifestyle" disease that can be prevented AND reversed.

The science behind this prevention and reversal is a combination of detection, analysis and lifestyle changes, which include L-Arginine supplementation. We offer a breakthrough method of detection called Cardio Pulse Wave (CPW) technology. The CPW device technology, which originated at Stanford University, is an accurate and portable way to objectively measure the health of your cardiovascular system.

Using a non-invasive watch-like device that easily straps on your wrist within a few minutes your personal waveform profile is calculated. The test is very simple, painless and takes less than 15 minutes. It will immediately show you the health of your aorta, the largest artery of the heart. Central Aortic Systolic Pressure (CASP) is one of the most powerful early predictors of cardiovascular risk. Similar tests run in hospitals will cost upwards of $1000. To perform this method a catheter is inserted into the aortic root from the brachial or femoral artery, which is obviously an invasive method and could result in complications.

"This is a really great test for people who are seemingly without symptoms, but who are about to have lots of disease, " explains J. Joseph Prendergast, MD. Dr. Predergast is among the pioneers of pulse wave analysis, particularly as it applies to the prevention of heart disease among people with diabetes.

This quick screening will give you some of the most important indicators of your cardiovascular health. Call today for more information and to schedule an appointment.