Now is the perfect time to start

your Allergy Desensitization treatments.

Start now before those pollens

really start flying!


The Power That Heals

"The Power that Made the Body is the Power that Heals the Body"

In 1905, Albert Einstein printed his famous theory of relativity. We all have seen the equation E= MC2, but what does it mean? What Einstein discovered is that everything is energy, even solid matter. Einstein's discovery has revolutionized fields such as engineering, space travel, and many more. While other fields have been revolutionized, we are just beginning to apply Einstein's discovery, that everything is energy, to our bodies and our health.

We have known for many years that our nervous system produces energy in the form of electricity. Disrupting or interfering with this electrical flow can have drastic and even deadly results. Science has recently discovered that nerve cells are not the only cells which produce energy. We now know that every cell in the body produces energy. This energy is in the form of photons of light. Every cell in our body receives and sends information through these photons. Energy stimuli, such as these photons, have a 50 times more powerful effect on the cell than do chemicals. These photons are transmitted by our connective tissue (the fascia) from the skin, to the cells and to the DNA at the speed of light. Our body is literally a living matrix of energy.

When our bodies are balanced the energy of the body is able to flow freely. Our cells are able to function properly and the body is able to heal. Wellness is the natural state of our body. It is only when the flow of energy is interfered with that we become ill and diseased. Using the 6 Interference Protocol we are able to identify the cause of dis-ease. Using the latest technology and techniques we can then assist the body in removing the interference(s) empowering your body's innate ability to heal. When the body is free to heal itself, miracles happen.

"No physician can say that any disease is incurable. To say so blasphemes God, blasphemes nature, and depreciates the great architect... No disease does not exist regardless of how terrible it may be, for which God hasn't provided the cure"


click here to watch a powerful video on "The Living Matrix"

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