Now is the perfect time to start

your Allergy Desensitization treatments.

Start now before those pollens

really start flying!




While each of our services our offered individually, the Soli Experience is created by combining our services and expertise into a personalized wellness program. If you are wondering where to start we suggest you start with a ...

New Patient Visit
(30 Minutes / $89)

Your journey to wellness begins here. We will check and correct your core wellness beliefs and Power 4 Life, prioritize your six interferences and conduct a health exam. A BIA and Health Appraisal Questionnaire are included.

Bio-Meridian Visit
(Time Varies / $99 for all three services)

60 Point Test
(30 minutes / $49)

Using acupressure points on the hands and feet, we can test to see if the organs and systems in your body are balanced. This is an incredible way to see how the six interferences are affecting the body.

Nutrition Scan
(10 minutes / $39)

Using kinesiology, we can test your system to identify which organs, glands, or infective organisms are a problem and identify the correct nutrition.

60 Point Balance
(30-60 minutes / $79 per hour)

Based on the results of the 60 point test, we will use supplements and homeopathics to bring every organ in your body into balance, an essential step on the road to wellness.

Report of Findings
(10 Minutes / $59)

Now that the problems have been identified, we will go over what has been found, and how they can best be corrected in the least amount of time. A visit with a Lifestyle Educator will also help you discover the basics of what you can do at home to accelerate your results.

Priority Visit
(Approx. 30 minutes / $69)

We identify which interferences your body needs to work on and then go in depth to find the specific issues. By removing the interferences the body is free to heal and repair.


We have a licensed Chiropractor with years of experience to ensure that these issues won't interfere with your overall wellness. (back to top)

Brain Balance
(10 minutes/$51)

After identifying which lobes of the brain are not communicating, we use cold laser therapy, eyelights and brain gym to achieve a powerful and long lasting correction.

Carpal Tunnel Healing
(10 minutes/$51)

After identifying the area of nerve impingement, percussion will help to release muscle fascia and cold laser therapy will turn on and heal involved tissues. A wrist specific adjustment will follow. Preventative and therapeutic exercises will be discussed to continue healing and prevent future problems.

Sleep Apnea and Snoring Protocol
(10 minutes/$51)

Designed to reset the cranial nerves and tissues related to breathing which can cause apnea and snoring.

Structural Specific Adjustment
(10 minutes/$51)

Shoulder, pelvis, hip, knee and ankle all have separate protocols specifically designed for correction in that area. Percussion to loosen muscle fascia and cold laser therapy to enhance healing are included with structural specific adjustment.

TMJ Healing
(10 minutes/$51)

We reset all nerves and muscles related to the jaw in its motions, then using gentle methods we correct structural misalignments. This will address the causes of TMJ pain. A jaw specific percussion and cold laser therapy will enhance healing.

World's Best Chiropractic visit
(10 minutes/$51 or 6 at $47.50/each or 10 at $45 each )

A mini-massage, percussion treatment and cervical trigger point release all help to relax muscle fascia, preparing the body to unwind once adjusted. Eye lights and cold laser therapy are also included for optimal healing.

(10 minutes / small $20 med $40 large $70)

These will allow the physician to best assess where the structural issues are found in your body and how to allow the body to unwind and heal itself.

Vertigo Balance
(10 minutes/$51)

We identify and reset the nerves and structural mechanisms which can cause interference to balance.


We live in a toxic world. Air pollution, pesticides and heavy metals are everywhere. These toxins cause free radicals in our bodies, which cause mutations and cancer. Long before that, however, they rob us of our vitality and energy which are necessary for wellness. (back to top)

Acupressure Toxic Assessment
(30-60 minutes / $79 per hour)

Using electro-dermal screening we can test to see what specific toxins your body is sensitive to and how they can best be cleansed from your body.

Cellular Cleanse Footbath
(22 minutes /$39) - first footbath only $10

Using ionic exchange, we can powerfully reset the cell's bio-energy and stimulate it to release the toxins and heavy metals which make us sick.

5 for $150
10 for $280
20 for $350

Heavy Metal Desensitization
(10 minutes / $19)

We will desensitize the body to heavy metals and toxins using cold laser therapy and organ balancing, which helps in their elimination.

Purification Program
(30 minutes / $49)

Hipppocrates once said, The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force to getting well. With our purification program, we can ignite this healing force. We will introduce you to our detoxification program and toxicity questionnaire, giving you the necessary information to get started.


Emotional stress, according to many experts, causes 80 percent of our physical illnesses. By identifying what is the root cause of the issue, we can reset thinking patterns to allow the brain to overcome emotional stress. (back to top)

Dynamic Thought Re-patterning
(10 minutes / $51)

An incredible technique that allows the brain to release and overcome phobias.

Emotional Priority Release
(30 minutes / $69 or with Adjustment $89)

Using advanced scientific methods, we identify the root cause of your emotional stress and allow the brain to release hormones that reset thought patterns. Color therapy will allow the brain to become in balance with itself to de-stress.

Stress Free Living
(2-1.5 Hour Sessions / $199 or $300 per couple)

Learn a powerful stress-busting technique called Mind-Body Bridging. Based a a book by Dr. Stanlely Block, "Come To Your Senses".


When you have an allergy or sensitivity to a particular substance, it triggers an inflammatory reaction in the body which leads to an increase in the magnitude of the reaction causing a vicious cycle to occur. (back to top)

Allergy/Sensitivity Visit
(20 minutes / $51)

This is a more in depth visit where we find and de-sensitize allergies and sensitivities as well as balance the stressed organs of the body. This allows the body to get rid off the substances that are causing the allergies without overloading the system. Recommended for a first time allergy visit.

Allergy ASERT
(10 minutes / $19)

A step by step method to identify your allergens and sensitivities and begin to correct them. We use your bio-computer to prioritize the best order to achieve optimal results.

Bio-Meridian Allergy Scan
(Time Varies / $79 per hour)

Using acupressure points, we can test to discover what your body is sensitive to and how to correct it.

Electrical Pollution

Cell phones, computers, microwaves and all electronics produce unseen electron fields which are constantly around us. These can interfere with our bodys own energy field. (back to top)

Complete Electrical Evaluation
(30 minutes / $51)

By testing your bio-computer, we can find out what is the source of your electrical interference. Possible sources typically include cell phones, microwaves, AC currents, or it could possibly be related to the environment you live in.

Nutrition / LifeStyle

At Soli we have dynamic, individualized and restorative programs which provide a foundation for you to create change in your life and develop a healthy lifestyle. (back to top)

HCG Weight Loss Program

(Click here for pricing and more information)

Quick, healthy weight loss combined with detoxification and lifestyle education. Most people average one pound per day weight loss while on the HCG Weight Loss Program.

FirstLine Therapy - Therapeutic Lifestyle Education

(Click here for pricing and more information)

Utilizing proper nutrition and diet, exercise, and stress management we will aid you in improving your lifestyle. By reversing, or reducing your risk of, chronic disease that lead to premature aging, loss of vitality and obesity you can recapture your wellness and live a full, happy life.

Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis

(10 minutes / $19)

Water is a great conductor of electricity. Using this knowledge, we can run a current through your body fluids to measure your basal metabolic rate, fat mass, muscle mass, hydration levels and overall cellular health. Quick, easy and extremely accurate!

Cardio Pulse Wave Screening

(20 minutes / $50)

This quick and painless screening will give you some of the most important indicators of your cardiovascular health. Using a watch like device we can measure the health of your heart and the peripheral arteries and veins. Using these results we can create a lifestyle plan to reduce your risk of heart disease.


Massage therapy is an effective form of treatment for a wide range of problems. An essential way to relax and unwind the body. (back to top)

Deep Tissue Massage
(30 or 60 minutes / $45 or $90)

Deep tissue massaging releases the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure. Post massage soreness for a day or two is typical. This is a great massage for chronically tight or painful muscles, repetitive strain or headaches, and aids injury recovery.

Energy Releasing Massage
(60 Minutes / $70)

This modality removes blockages to your body's energy flow and releases areas of tension and tightness.

Hot Stone Massage
(90 minutes / $115)

Stone massage therapy is a powerful thermodynamic technique using a blend of essential oils, together with ancient basalt stones. These stones have a very high level of iron and magnesium, giving a re-energizing response to the body. It is truly one of the most amazing treatments which has been used for centuries for healing purposes.

Lymph Massage
(60 Minutes / $80)

The lymphatic system is an integral part of the immune system. If the lymph becomes blocked toxins, bacteria and allergens will be stored in the body, which can lead to sickness. A lymphatic massage will help open the channels for better lymph drainage.

Pre-Natal Massage
(30 or 60 minutes / $45 or $65)

A gentle and soothing massage for mothers-to-be helps alleviate stress and tension as pregnancy progresses. Special arrangements are made to allow you to lay face down during the session. For full body massage you must be past your first trimester of pregnancy.

(30 or 60 minutes / $45 or $65)

Pressure is applied to specific points on the feet which correspond to certain areas and organs of the body. This helps to restore wellness by relaxing the body and releasing the flow of vital energy.

Sports Massage
(30 or 60 minutes / $45 or $65)

We can focus on specific muscles for particular sports to not only prevent and treat injuries, but also enhance athletic performance. The strokes are faster and harder than Swedish massage to facilitate stretching and increase flexibility.

Swedish Massage
(30 or 60 minutes / $45 or $65)

A heavenly touch to relax both mind and body. Swedish massage improves circulation, memory and strengthens the immune system. Massage therapy has many proven health benefits to enhance wellness.

Trigger Point Release Therapy
( 30 minutes / $40)

Trigger points are common sources of pain in the body. When trigger points are stimulated, the muscles relax and proper balance is restored.

** Aromatherapy can be added to any massage for just $5

Discount packages are available for all massages.
Package of 4 massages at 30 minutes = $5 off each
Package of 4 massages of 60 minutes = $10 off each


To ensure that everyone experiences a little bit of heaven on earth on their way to wellness, we at Soli are committed to providing you with everything and anything which may benefit you. (back to top)

Burn Treatment Therapy
(Time Varies / $1 per minute)

Using low level laser therapy, the healing process is accelerated significantly. Healing is a cellular process, and light energy initiates a cascade of reactions, known as cellular amplification. Pain decreases significantly and the body heals at an accelerated rate. See

Ear Candling
(30 minutes / $50)

An ancient art of healing that clears the ears of impacted candida infections, fungus and hardened earwax. It also helps such conditions as itchy ears, sinus pains, migraines, and may alleviate some loss of hearing.

Fascia Flexibility
(Time Varies/ $1 per minute )

Flexibility and range of motion can be increased significantly using cold laser therapy. The light stimulates muscle spindles and golgi tendo organs. Stimulating these receptors causes a myofascial release and an increase in muscle flexibility.

Scar Tissue Healing
(Time Varies/ $1 per minute)

Using low level laser therapy, lifelong scars can be minimized, and wounds can heal quicker with much less scar tissue using this miraculous technology.

Sonic Vibration Therapy
(10 minutes / $19 for 1 session, $120 for 10 sessions, or 1 month unlimited for $150

Incorporate along your path to wellness the amazing machine known as the TurboSonic. An invigorating way to recharge your cells, burn calories, tone muscles, release human growth hormone, lower cortisol levels and increase serotonin and endorphins. For best results we recommend using at least 3 times per week.

(back to top)