Now is the perfect time to start

your Allergy Desensitization treatments.

Start now before those pollens

really start flying!



The Bio-Computer

Bio-computer Testing - We test the body (bio) using the nervous system as the computer. According to scientists your bio-computer is running your body at a 400 billion bit computing level. The intelligence which runs your body knows everything about you in extreme detail. We trust this source of information to know what is best for you. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD and a Japanese researcher have proven when something stresses this computer, it causes the nervous system to blink. This also causes the nerve signal to the muscle to blink and there is a measurable muscle weakness. Using this muscle reflex we are able to interact with the bio-computer, much like using a keyboard or mouse to interact with your home computer. This method of communicating with the bio-computer is known as reflex-testing or kinesiology. Using this method of testing, we are able to access large quantities of data and information about your body.

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